snippet,rank,title,url,author,year "...Without setting the display of the b4de2a49c8SVG8c94a2ed4b to none, and even though its contents are not rendered on the page, the b4de2a49c8SVG8c94a2ed4b will still take up space in the page, resulting in a big empty area. In order to avoid that, we’re hiding the b4de2a49c8SVG8c94a2ed4b entirely with CSS. Now, suppose we have a Twitter icon in the icons folder. twitter.b4de2a49c8svg8c94a2ed4b might look something like this: + a.x - b.x) .forEach((key, i) => key.addEventListener('touchstart', sound(0.75, ease(harmony(freq(i + 48)))) ) ) rect {stroke: #ddd;} rect:hover {opacity: 0.8; stroke: #000} Et voilà. We have a keyboard. What I like about this is that it’s completely pure - there’s no lookup tables or hardcoded attributes; we’ve...",-4.405466598668232,Feeding the Audio Graph,,Ben Foxall,2017 "...The pictures can be animated, such as in this canvas mashup of Wolfenstein 3D and Flickr. (The difference between canvas and b4de2a49c8SVG8c94a2ed4b is that b4de2a49c8SVG8c94a2ed4b uses vector graphics, so is infinitely scalable. It also keeps a DOM, whereas canvas is just pixels so you have to do all your own book-keeping yourself in JavaScript if you want to know where aliens are on screen, or do collision detection.) Previously, you needed to do this using Adobe Flash or Java applets, requiring plugins and potentially compromising keyboard accessibility. Canvas drawing is supported now in Opera, Safari, Chrome and Firefox. The...",-4.356126848442522,"HTML5: Tool of Satan, or Yule of Santa?",,Bruce Lawson,2009 "...Here’s a page showing search results for b4de2a49c8svg8c94a2ed4b with facet counts calculated against both the year and the topic columns: Every page visible via Datasette has a corresponding JSON API, which can be accessed using the JSON link on the page - or by adding a .json extension to the URL: Better search using custom SQL The search results we get back from ../articles?_search=b4de2a49c8svg8c94a2ed4b are OK, but the order they are returned...",-3.6833393913363275,Fast Autocomplete Search for Your Website,,Simon Willison,2018 "...The software The projected visuals, I imagined, could be anything you can create within a browser, whether that be simple HTML and CSS, images, videos, b4de2a49c8SVG8c94a2ed4b or canvas. The only requirement I have is that they move or change with sound and that I can mix any one visual into another. You may remember a couple of years ago I created a demo on this very site, allowing audio-triggered visuals from the ambient sounds your device mic was picking up. That was a great starting point – I used that exact method to pick up the audio and thus the...",-3.677152746312101,Bringing Your Code to the Streets,,Ruth John,2015 "...Complex patterns that require a large number of gradients are probably better left to b4de2a49c8SVG8c94a2ed4b or bitmap images, since they negate almost every advantage of this technique: they are not shorter they are not really comprehensible – changing them requires much more effort than using an image editor They still save an HTTP request, but so does a data URI. I have included some very complex patterns in my gallery, because even though I think they shouldn’t be used in production (except under very exceptional conditions), understanding how they work and coding them helps somebody understand the technology in much...",-3.470831413764327,"CSS3 Patterns, Explained",,Lea Verou,2011 "...You may be wondering why you can’t just use a vector format such as KML, GeoJSON (or even b4de2a49c8SVG8c94a2ed4b) – and you can – but the issue is the same as for WMS: you need a way to query the data to get the correct area and zoom level. User interface There is of course never a correct way to design an interface as there are so many different factors to take into consideration for each individual project. Maps can be used in a variety of ways, to provide simple information about directions or for complex visualisations to explain large amounts...",-3.17432205684481,Putting Design on the Map,,Shane Hudson,2014