rowid,title,contents,year,author,author_slug,published,url,topic 304,Five Lessons From My First 18 Months as a Dev,"I recently moved from Sydney to London to start a dream job with Twitter as a software engineer. A software engineer! Who would have thought. Having started my career as a journalist, the title ‘engineer’ is very strange to me. The notion of writing in first person is also very strange. Journalists are taught to be objective, invisible, to keep yourself out of the story. And here I am writing about myself on a public platform. Cringe. Since I started learning to code I’ve often felt compelled to write about my experience. I want to share my excitement and struggles with the world! But as a junior I’ve been held back by thoughts like ‘whatever you have to say won’t be technical enough’, ‘any time spent writing a blog would be better spent writing code’, ‘blogging is narcissistic’, etc.  Well, I’ve been told that your thirties are the years where you stop caring so much about what other people think. And I’m almost 30. So here goes! These are five key lessons from my first year and a half in tech: Deployments should delight, not dread Lesson #1: Making your deployment process as simple as possible is worth the investment. In my first dev job, I dreaded deployments. We would deploy every Sunday night at 8pm. Preparation would begin the Friday before. A nominated deployment manager would spend half a day tagging master, generating scripts, writing documentation and raising JIRAs. The only fun part was choosing a train gif to post in HipChat: ‘All aboard! The deployment train leaves in 3, 2, 1…” When Sunday night came around, at least one person from every squad would need to be online to conduct smoke tests. Most times, the deployments would succeed. Other times they would fail. Regardless, deployments ate into people’s weekend time — and they were intense. Devs would rush to have their code approved before the Friday cutoff. Deployment managers who were new to the process would fear making a mistake.  The team knew deployments were a problem. They were constantly striving to improve them. And what I’ve learnt from Twitter is that when they do, their lives will be bliss. TweetDeck’s deployment process fills me with joy and delight. It’s quick, easy and stress free. In fact, it’s so easy I deployed code on my first day in the job! Anyone can deploy, at any time of day, with a single command. Rollbacks are just as simple. There’s no rush to make the deployment train. No manual preparation. No fuss. Value — whether in the form of big new features, simple UI improvements or even production bug fixes — can be shipped in an instant. The team assures me the process wasn’t always like this. They invested lots of time in making their deployments better. And it’s clearly paid off. Code reviews need love, time and acceptance Lesson #2: Code reviews are a three-way gift. Every time I review someone else’s code, I help them, the team and myself. Code reviews were another pain point in my previous job. And to be honest, I was part of the problem. I would raise code reviews that were far too big. They would take days, sometimes weeks, to get merged. One of my reviews had 96 comments! I would rarely review other people’s code because I felt too junior, like my review didn’t carry any weight.  The review process itself was also tiring, and was often raised in retrospectives as being slow. In order for code to be merged it needed to have ticks of approval from two developers and a third tick from a peer tester. It was the responsibility of the author to assign the reviewers and tester. It was felt that if it was left to team members to assign themselves to reviews, the “someone else will do it” mentality would kick in, and nothing would get done. At TweetDeck, no-one is specifically assigned to reviews. Instead, when a review is raised, the entire team is notified. Without fail, someone will jump on it. Reviews are seen as blocking. They’re seen to be equally, if not more important, than your own work. I haven’t seen a review sit for longer than a few hours without comments.  We also don’t work on branches. We push single commits for review, which are then merged to master. This forces the team to work in small, incremental changes. If a review is too big, or if it’s going to take up more than an hour of someone’s time, it will be sent back. What I’ve learnt so far at Twitter is that code reviews must be small. They must take priority. And they must be a team effort. Being a new starter is no “get out of jail free card”. In fact, it’s even more of a reason to be reviewing code. Reviews are a great way to learn, get across the product and see different programming styles. If you’re like me, and find code reviews daunting, ask to pair with a senior until you feel more confident. I recently paired with my mentor at Twitter and found it really helpful. Get friendly with feature flagging Lesson #3: Feature flagging gives you complete control over how you build and release a project. Say you’re implementing a new feature. It’s going to take a few weeks to complete. You’ll complete the feature in small, incremental changes. At what point do these changes get merged to master? At what point do they get deployed? Do you start at the back end and finish with the UI, so the user won’t see the changes until they’re ready? With feature flagging — it doesn’t matter. In fact, with feature flagging, by the time you are ready to release your feature, it’s already deployed, sitting happily in master with the rest of your codebase.  A feature flag is a boolean value that gets wrapped around the code relating to the thing you’re working on. The code will only be executed if the value is true. if (TD.decider.get(‘new_feature’)) { //code for new feature goes here } In my first dev job, I deployed a navigation link to the feature I’d been working on, making it visible in the product, even though the feature wasn’t ready. “Why didn’t you use a feature flag?” a senior dev asked me. An honest response would have been: “Because they’re confusing to implement and I don’t understand the benefits of using them.” The fix had to wait until the next deployment. The best thing about feature flagging at TweetDeck is that there is no need to deploy to turn on or off a feature. We set the status of the feature via an interface called Deckcider, and the code makes regular API requests to get the status.  At TweetDeck we are also able to roll our features out progressively. The first rollout might be to a staging environment. Then to employees only. Then to 10 per cent of users, 20 per cent, 30 per cent, and so on. A gradual rollout allows you to monitor for bugs and unexpected behaviour, before releasing the feature to the entire user base. Sometimes a piece of work requires changes to existing business logic. So the code might look more like this: if (TD.decider.get(‘change_to_existing_feature’)) { //new logic goes here } else { //old logic goes here } This seems messy, right? Riddling your code with if else statements to determine which path of logic should be executed, or which version of the UI should be displayed. But at Twitter, this is embraced. You can always clean up the code once a feature is turned on. This isn’t essential, though. At least not in the early days. When a cheeky bug is discovered, having the flag in place allows the feature to be very quickly turned off again. Let data and experimentation drive development Lesson #4: Use data to determine the direction of your product and measure its success. The first company I worked for placed a huge amount of emphasis on data-driven decision making. If we had an idea, or if we wanted to make a change, we were encouraged to “bring data” to show why it was necessary. “Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion,” the chief data scientist would say. This attitude helped to ensure we were building the right things for our customers. Instead of just plucking a new feature out of thin air, it was chosen based on data that reflected its need. But how do you design that feature? How do you know that the design you choose will have the desired impact? That’s where experiments come into play.  At TweetDeck we make UI changes that we hope will delight our users. But the assumptions we make about our users are often wrong. Our front-end team recently sat in a room and tried to guess which UIs from A/B tests had produced better results. Half the room guessed incorrectly every time. We can’t assume a change we want to make will have the impact we expect. So we run an experiment. Here’s how it works. Users are placed into buckets. One bucket of users will have access to the new feature, the other won’t. We hypothesise that the bucket exposed to the new feature will have better results. The beauty of running an experiment is that we’ll know for sure. Instead of blindly releasing the feature to all users without knowing its impact, once the experiment has run its course, we’ll have the data to make decisions accordingly. Hire the developer, not the degree Lesson #5: Testing candidates on real world problems will allow applicants from all backgrounds to shine. Surely, a company like Twitter would give their applicants insanely difficult code tests, and the toughest technical questions, that only the cleverest CS graduates could pass, I told myself when applying for the job. Lucky for me, this wasn’t the case. The process was insanely difficult—don’t get me wrong—but the team at TweetDeck gave me real world problems to solve. The first code test involved bug fixes, performance and testing. The second involved DOM traversal and manipulation. Instead of being put on the spot in a room with a whiteboard and pen I was given a task, access to the internet, and time to work on it. Similarly, in my technical interviews, I was asked to pair program on real world problems that I was likely to face on the job. In one of my phone screenings I was told Twitter wanted to increase diversity in its teams. Not just gender diversity, but also diversity of experience and background. Six months later, with a bunch of new hires, team lead Tom Ashworth says TweetDeck has the most diverse team it’s ever had. “We designed an interview process that gave us a way to simulate the actual job,” he said. “It’s not about testing whether you learnt an algorithm in school.” Is this lowering the bar? No. The bar is whether a candidate has the ability to solve problems they are likely to face on the job. I recently spoke to a longstanding Atlassian engineer who said they hadn’t seen an algorithm in their seven years at the company. These days, only about 50 per cent of developers have computer science degrees. The majority of developers are self taught, learn on the job or via online courses. If you want to increase diversity in your engineering team, ensure your interview process isn’t excluding these people.",2016,Amy Simmons,amysimmons,2016-12-20T00:00:00+00:00,,process 292,Watch Your Language!,"I’m bilingual. My first language is French. I learned English in my early 20s. Learning a new language later in life meant that I was able to observe my thought processes changing over time. It made me realize that some concepts can’t be expressed in some languages, while other languages express these concepts with ease. It also helped me understand the way we label languages. English: business. French: romance. Here’s an example of how words, or the absence thereof, can affect the way we think: In French we love everything. There’s no straightforward way to say we like something, so we just end up loving everything. I love my sisters, I love broccoli, I love programming, I love my partner, I love doing laundry (this is a lie), I love my mom (this is not a lie). I love, I love, I love. It’s no wonder French is considered romantic. When I first learned English I used the word love rather than like because I hadn’t grasped the difference. Needless to say, I’ve scared away plenty of first dates! Learning another language made me realize the limitations of my native language and revealed concepts I didn’t know existed. Without the nuances a given language provides, we fail to express what we really think. The absence of words in our vocabulary gets in the way of effectively communicating and considering ideas. When I lived in Montréal, most people in my circle spoke both French and English. I could switch between them when I could more easily express an idea in one language or the other. I liked (or should I say loved?) those conversations. They were meaningful. They were efficient. I’m quadrilingual. I code in Ruby, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Python. In the past couple of years I have been lucky enough to write code in these languages at a massive scale. In learning Ruby, much like learning English, I discovered the strengths and limitations of not only the languages I knew but the language I was learning. It taught me to choose the right tool for the job. When I started working at Shopify, making a change to a view involved copy/pasting HTML and ERB from one view to another. The CSS was roughly structured into modules, but those modules were not responsive to different screen sizes. Our HTML was complete mayhem, and we didn’t consider accessibility. All this made editing views a laborious process. Grep. Replace all. Test. Ship it. Repeat. This wasn’t sustainable at Shopify’s scale, so the newly-formed front end team was given two missions: Make the app responsive (AKA Let’s Make This Thing Responsive ASAP) Make the view layer scalable and maintainable (AKA Let’s Build a Pattern Library… in Ruby) Let’s make this thing responsive ASAP The year was 2015. The Shopify admin wasn’t mobile friendly. Our browser support was set to IE10. We had the wind in our sails. We wanted to achieve complete responsiveness in the shortest amount of time. Our answer: container queries. It seemed like the obvious decision at the time. We would be able to set rules for each component in isolation and the component would know how to lay itself out on the page regardless of where it was rendered. It would save us a ton of development time since we wouldn’t need to change our markup, it would scale well, and we would achieve complete component autonomy by not having to worry about page layout. By siloing our components, we were going to unlock the ultimate goal of componentization, cutting the tie to external dependencies. We were cool. Writing the JavaScript handling container queries was my first contribution to Shopify. It was a satisfying project to work on. We could drop our components in anywhere and they would magically look good. It took us less than a couple weeks to push this to production and make our app mostly responsive. But with time, it became increasingly obvious that this was not as performant as we had hoped. It wasn’t performant at all. Components would jarringly jump around the page before settling in on first paint. It was only when we started using the flex-wrap: wrap CSS property to build new components that we realized we were not using the right language for the job. So we swapped out JavaScript container queries for CSS flex-wrapping. Even though flex wasn’t yet as powerful as we wanted it to be, it was still a good compromise. Our components stayed independent of the window size but took much less time to render. Best of all: they used CSS instead of relying on JavaScript for layout. In other words: we were using the wrong language to express our layout to the browser, when another language could do it much more simply and elegantly. Let’s build a pattern library… in Ruby In order to make our view layer maintainable, we chose to build a comprehensive library of helpers. This library would generate our markup from a single source of truth, allowing us to make changes system-wide, in one place. No. More. Grepping. When I joined Shopify it was a Rails shop freshly wounded by a JavaScript framework (See: Batman.js). JavaScript was like Voldemort, the language that could not be named. Because of this baggage, the only way for us to build a pattern library that would get buyin from our developers was to use Rails view helpers. And for many reasons using Ruby was the right choice for us. The time spent ramping developers up on the new UI Components would be negligible since the Ruby API felt familiar. The transition would be simple since we didn’t have to introduce any new technology to the stack. The components would be fast since they would be rendered on the server. We had a plan. We put in place a set of Rails tools to make it easy to build components, then wrote a bunch of sweet, sweet components using our shiny new tools. To document our design, content and front end patterns we put together an interactive styleguide to demonstrate how every component works. Our research and development department loved it (and still do)! We continue to roll out new components, and generally the project has been successful, though it has had its drawbacks. Since the Shopify admin is mostly made up of a huge number of forms, most of the content is static. For this reason, using server-rendered components didn’t seem like a problem at the time. With new app features increasing the amount of DOM manipulation needed on the client side, our early design decisions mean making requests to the server for each re-paint. This isn’t going to cut it. I don’t know the end of this story, because we haven’t written it yet. We’ve been exploring alternatives to our current system to facilitate the rendering of our components on the client, including React, Vue.js, and Web Components, but we haven’t determined the winner yet. Only time (and data gathering) will tell. Ruby is great but it doesn’t speak the browser’s language efficiently. It was not the right language for the job. Learning a new spoken language has had an impact on how I write code. It has taught me that you don’t know what you don’t know until you have the language to express it. Understanding the strengths and limitations of any programming language is fundamental to making good design decisions. At the end of the day, you make the best choices with the information you have. But if you still feel like you’re unable to express your thoughts to the fullest with what you know, it might be time to learn a new language.",2016,Annie-Claude Côté,annieclaudecote,2016-12-10T00:00:00+00:00,,code 301,Stretching Time,"Time is valuable. It’s a precious commodity that, if we’re not too careful, can slip effortlessly through our fingers. When we think about the resources at our disposal we’re often guilty of forgetting the most valuable resource we have to hand: time. We are all given an allocation of time from the time bank. 86,400 seconds a day to be precise, not a second more, not a second less. It doesn’t matter if we’re rich or we’re poor, no one can buy more time (and no one can save it). We are all, in this regard, equals. We all have the same opportunity to spend our time and use it to maximum effect. As such, we need to use our time wisely. I believe we can ‘stretch’ time, ensuring we make the most of every second and maximising the opportunities that time affords us. Through a combination of ‘Structured Procrastination’ and ‘Focused Finishing’ we can open our eyes to all of the opportunities in the world around us, whilst ensuring that we deliver our best work precisely when it’s required. A win win, I’m sure you’ll agree. Structured Procrastination I’m a terrible procrastinator. I used to think that was a curse – “Why didn’t I just get started earlier?” – over time, however, I’ve started to see procrastination as a valuable tool if it is used in a structured manner. Don Norman refers to procrastination as ‘late binding’ (a term I’ve happily hijacked). As he argues, in Why Procrastination Is Good, late binding (delay, or procrastination) offers many benefits: Delaying decisions until the time for action is beneficial… it provides the maximum amount of time to think, plan, and determine alternatives. We live in a world that is constantly changing and evolving, as such the best time to execute is often ‘just in time’. By delaying decisions until the last possible moment we can arrive at solutions that address the current reality more effectively, resulting in better outcomes. Procrastination isn’t just useful from a project management perspective, however. It can also be useful for allowing your mind the space to wander, make new discoveries and find creative connections. By embracing structured procrastination we can ‘prime the brain’. As James Webb Young argues, in A Technique for Producing Ideas, all ideas are made of other ideas and the more we fill our minds with other stimuli, the greater the number of creative opportunities we can uncover and bring to life. By late binding, and availing of a lack of time pressure, you allow the mind space to breathe, enabling you to uncover elements that are important to the problem you’re working on and, perhaps, discover other elements that will serve you well in future tasks. When setting forth upon the process of writing this article I consciously set aside time to explore. I allowed myself the opportunity to read, taking in new material, safe in the knowledge that what I discovered – if not useful for this article – would serve me well in the future. Ron Burgundy summarises this neatly: Procrastinator? No. I just wait until the last second to do my work because I will be older, therefore wiser. An ‘older, therefore wiser’ mind is a good thing. We’re incredibly fortunate to live in a world where we have a wealth of information at our fingertips. Don’t waste the opportunity to learn, rather embrace that opportunity. Make the most of every second to fill your mind with new material, the rewards will be ample. Deadlines are deadlines, however, and deadlines offer us the opportunity to focus our minds, bringing together the pieces of the puzzle we found during our structured procrastination. Like everyone I’ll hear a tiny, but insistent voice in my head that starts to rise when the deadline is approaching. The older you get, the closer to the deadline that voice starts to chirp up. At this point we need to focus. Focused Finishing We live in an age of constant distraction. Smartphones are both a blessing and a curse, they keep us connected, but if we’re not careful the constant connection they provide can interrupt our flow. When a deadline is accelerating towards us it’s important to set aside the distractions and carve out a space where we can work in a clear and focused manner. When it’s time to finish, it’s important to avoid context switching and focus. All those micro-interactions throughout the day – triaging your emails, checking social media and browsing the web – can get in the way of you hitting your deadline. At this point, they’re distractions. Chunking tasks and managing when they’re scheduled can improve your productivity by a surprising order of magnitude. At this point it’s important to remove distractions which result in ‘attention residue’, where your mind is unable to focus on the current task, due to the mental residue of other, unrelated tasks. By focusing on a single task in a focused manner, it’s possible to minimise the negative impact of attention residue, allowing you to maximise your performance on the task at hand. Cal Newport explores this in his excellent book, Deep Work, which I would highly recommend reading. As he puts it: Efforts to deepen your focus will struggle if you don’t simultaneously wean your mind from a dependence on distraction. To help you focus on finishing it’s helpful to set up a work-focused environment that is purposefully free from distractions. There’s a time and a place for structured procrastination, but – equally – there’s a time and a place for focused finishing. The French term ‘mise en place’ is drawn from the world of fine cuisine – I discovered it when I was procrastinating – and it’s applicable in this context. The term translates as ‘putting in place’ or ‘everything in its place’ and it refers to the process of getting the workplace ready before cooking. Just like a professional chef organises their utensils and arranges their ingredients, so too can you. Thanks to the magic of multiple users on computers, it’s possible to create a separate user on your computer – without access to email and other social tools – so that you can switch to that account when you need to focus and hit the deadline. Another, less technical way of achieving the same result – depending, of course, upon your line of work – is to close your computer and find some non-digital, unconnected space to work in. The goal is to carve out time to focus so you can finish. As Newport states: If you don’t produce, you won’t thrive – no matter how skilled or talented you are. Procrastination is fine, but only if it’s accompanied by finishing. Create the space to finish and you’ll enjoy the best of both worlds. In closing… There is a time and a place for everything: there is a time to procrastinate, and a time to focus. To truly reap the rewards of time, the mind needs both. By combining the processes of ‘Structured Procrastination’ and ‘Focused Finishing’ we can make the most of our 86,400 seconds a day, ensuring we are constantly primed to make new discoveries, but just as importantly, ensuring we hit the all-important deadlines. Make the most of your time, you only get so much. Use every second productively and you’ll be thankful that you did. Don’t waste your time, once it’s gone, it’s gone… and you can never get it back.",2016,Christopher Murphy,christophermurphy,2016-12-21T00:00:00+00:00,,process 300,Taking Device Orientation for a Spin,"When The Police sang “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” they weren’t talking about using a smartphone to view a panoramic image on Facebook, but they could have been. For years, technology has driven relentlessly towards devices we can carry around in our pockets, and now that we’re there, we’re expected to take the thing out of our pocket and wave it around in front of our faces like a psychotic donkey in search of its own dangly carrot. But if you can’t beat them, join them. A brave new world A couple of years back all sorts of specs for new HTML5 APIs sprang up much to our collective glee. Emboldened, we ran a few tests and found they basically didn’t work in anything and went off disheartened into the corner for a bit of a sob. Turns out, while we were all busy boohooing, those browser boffins have actually being doing some work, and lo and behold, some of these APIs are even half usable. Mostly literally half usable—we’re still talking about browsers, after all. Now, of course they’re all a bit JavaScripty and are going to involve complex methods and maths and science and probably about a thousand dependancies from Github that will fall out of fashion while we’re still trying to locate the documentation, right? Well, no! So what if we actually wanted to use one of these APIs, say to impress our friends with our ability to make them wave their phones in front of their faces (because no one enjoys looking hapless more than the easily-technologically-impressed), how could we do something like that? Let’s find out. The Device Orientation API The phone-wavy API is more formally known as the DeviceOrientation Event Specification. It does a bunch of stuff that basically doesn’t work, but also gives us three values that represent orientation of a device (a phone, a tablet, probably not a desktop computer) around its x, y and z axes. You might think of it as pitch, roll and yaw if you like to spend your weekends wearing goggles and a leather hat. The main way we access these values is through an event listener, which can inform our code every time the value changes. Which is constantly, because you try and hold a phone still and then try and hold the Earth still too. The API calls those pitch, roll and yaw values alpha, beta and gamma. Chocks away: window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function(e) { console.log(e.alpha); console.log(e.beta); console.log(e.gamma); }); If you look at this test page on your phone, you should be able to see the numbers change as you twirl the thing around your body like the dance partner you never had. Wrist strap recommended. One important note Like may of these newfangled APIs, Device Orientation is only available over HTTPS. We’re not allowed to have too much fun without protection, so make sure that you’re working on a secure line. I’ve found a quick and easy way to share my local dev environment over TLS with my devices is to use an ngrok tunnel. ngrok http -host-header=rewrite ngrok will then set up a tunnel to your dev site with both HTTP and HTTPS URL options. You, of course, want the HTTPS option. Right, where were we? Make something to look at It’s all well and good having a bunch of numbers, but they’re no use unless we do something with them. Something creative. Something to inspire the generations. Or we could just build that Facebook panoramic image viewer thing (because most of us are familiar with it and we’re not trying to be too clever here). Yeah, let’s just build one of those. Our basic framework is going to be similar to that used for an image carousel. We have a container, constrained in size, and CSS overflow property set to hidden. Into this we place our wide content and use positioning to move the content back and forth behind the ‘window’ so that the part we want to show is visible. Here it is mocked up with a slider to set the position. When you release the slider, the position updates. (This actually tests best on desktop with your window slightly narrowed.) The details of the slider aren’t important (we’re about to replace it with phone-wavy goodness) but the crucial part is that moving the slider results in a function call to position the image. This takes a percentage value (0-100) with 0 being far left and 100 being far right (or ‘alt-nazi’ or whatever). var position_image = function(percent) { var pos = (img_W / 100)*percent; = 'translate(-'+pos+'px)'; }; All this does is figure out what that percentage means in terms of the image width, and set the transform: translate(…); CSS property to move the image. (We use translate because it might be a bit faster to animate than left/right positioning.) Ok. We can now read the orientation values from our device, and we can programatically position the image. What we need to do is figure out how to convert those raw orientation values into a nice tidy percentage to pass to our function and we’re done. (We’re so not done.) The maths bit If we go back to our raw values test page and make-believe that we have a fascinating panoramic image of some far-off beach or historic monument to look at, you’ll note that the main value that is changing as we swing back and forth is the ‘alpha’ value. That’s the one we want to track. As our goal here is hey, these APIs are interesting and fun and not let’s build the world’s best panoramic image viewer, we’ll start by making a few assumptions and simplifications: When the image loads, we’ll centre the image and take the current nose-forward orientation reading as the middle. Moving left, we’ll track to the left of the image (lower percentage). Moving right, we’ll track to the right (higher percentage). If the user spins round, does cartwheels or loads the page then hops on a plane and switches earthly hemispheres, they’re on their own. Nose-forward When the page loads, the initial value of alpha gives us our nose-forward position. In Safari on iOS, this is normalised to always be 0, whereas most everywhere else it tends to be bound to pointy-uppy north. That doesn’t really matter to us, as we don’t know which direction the user might be facing in anyway — we just need to record that initial state and then use it to compare any new readings. var initial_position = null; window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function(e) { if (initial_position === null) { initial_position = Math.floor(e.alpha); }; var current_position = initial_position - Math.floor(e.alpha); }); (I’m rounding down the values with Math.floor() to make debugging easier - we’ll take out the rounding later.) We get our initial position if it’s not yet been set, and then calculate the current position as a difference between the new value and the stored one. These values are weird One thing you need to know about these values, is that they range from 0 to 360 but then you also get weird left-of-zero values like -2 and whatever. And they wrap past 360 back to zero as you’d expect if you do a forward roll. What I’m interested in is working out my rotation. If 0 is my nose-forward position, I want a positive value as I turn right, and a negative value as I turn left. That puts the awkward 360-tipping point right behind the user where they can’t see it. var rotation = current_position; if (current_position > 180) rotation = current_position-360; Which way up? Since we’re talking about orientation, we need to remember that the values are going to be different if the device is held in portrait on landscape mode. See for yourself - wiggle it like a steering wheel and you get different values. That’s easy to account for when you know which way up the device is, but in true browser style, the API for that bit isn’t well supported. The best I can come up with is: var screen_portrait = false; if (window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight) { screen_portrait = true; } It works. Then we can use screen_portrait to branch our code: if (screen_portrait) { if (current_position > 180) rotation = current_position-360; } else { if (current_position < -180) rotation = 360+current_position; } Here’s the code in action so you can see the values for yourself. If you change screen orientation you’ll need to refresh the page (it’s a demo!). Limiting rotation Now, while the youth of today are rarely seen without a phone in their hands, it would still be unreasonable to ask them to spin through 360° to view a photo. Instead, we need to limit the range of movement to something like 60°-from-nose in either direction and normalise our values to pan the entire image across that 120° range. -60 would be full-left (0%) and 60 would be full-right (100%). If we set max_rotation = 60, that code ends up looking like this: if (rotation > max_rotation) rotation = max_rotation; if (rotation < (0-max_rotation)) rotation = 0-max_rotation; var percent = Math.floor(((rotation + max_rotation)/(max_rotation*2))*100); We should now be able to get a rotation from -60° to +60° expressed as a percentage. Try it for yourself. The big reveal All that’s left to do is pass that percentage to our image positioning function and would you believe it, it might actually work. position_image(percent); You can see the final result and take it for a spin. Literally. So what have we made here? Have we built some highly technical panoramic image viewer to aid surgeons during life-saving operations using only JavaScript and some slightly questionable mathematics? No, my friends, we have not. Far from it. What we have made is progress. We’ve taken a relatively newly available hardware API and a bit of simple JavaScript and paired it with existing CSS knowledge and made something that we didn’t have this morning. Something we probably didn’t even want this morning. Something that if you take a couple of steps back and squint a bit might be a prototype for something vaguely interesting. But more importantly, we’ve learned that our browsers are just a little bit more capable than we thought. The web platform is maturing rapidly. There are new, relatively unexplored APIs for doing all sorts of crazy thing that are often dismissed as the preserve of native apps. Like some sort of app marmalade. Poppycock. The web is an amazing, exciting place to create things. All it takes is some base knowledge of the fundamentals, a creative mind and a willingness to learn. We have those! So let’s create things.",2016,Drew McLellan,drewmclellan,2016-12-24T00:00:00+00:00,,code 289,Front-End Developers Are Information Architects Too,"The theme of this year’s World IA Day was “Information Everywhere, Architects Everywhere”. This article isn’t about what you may consider an information architect to be: someone in the user-experience field, who maybe studied library science, and who talks about taxonomies. This is about a realisation I had a couple of years ago when I started to run an increasing amount of usability-testing sessions with people who have disabilities: that the structure, labelling, and connections that can be made in front-end code is information architecture. People’s ability to be successful online is unequivocally connected to the quality of the code that is written. Places made of information In information architecture we talk about creating places made of information. These places are made of ones and zeros, but we talk about them as physical structures. We talk about going onto a social media platform, posting in blogs, getting locked out of an environment, and building applications. In 2002, Andrew Hinton stated: People live and work in these structures, just as they live and work in their homes, offices, factories and malls. These places are not virtual: they are as real as our own minds. 25 Theses We’re creating structures which people rely on for significant parts of their lives, so it’s critical that we carry out our work responsibly. This means we must use our construction materials correctly. Luckily, our most important material, HTML, has a well-documented specification which tells us how to build robust and accessible places. What is most important, I believe, is to understand the semantics of HTML. Semantics The word “semantic” has its origin in Greek words meaning “significant”, “signify”, and “sign”. In the physical world, a structure can have semantic qualities that tell us something about it. For example, the stunning Westminster Abbey inspires awe and signifies much about the intent and purpose of the structure. The building’s size; the quality of the stone work; the massive, detailed stained glass: these are all signs that this is a building meant for something the creators deemed important. Alternatively consider a set of large, clean, well-positioned, well-lit doors on the ground floor of an office block: they don’t need an “entrance” sign to communicate their use and to stop people trying to use a nearby fire exit to get into the building. The design of the doors signify their usage. Sometimes a more literal and less awe-inspiring approach to communicating a building’s purpose happens, but the affect is similar: the building is signifying something about its purpose. HTML has over 115 elements, many of which have semantics to signify structure and affordance to people, browsers, and assistive technology. The HTML 5.1 specification mentions semantics, stating: Elements, attributes, and attribute values in HTML are defined … to have certain meanings (semantics). For example, the
    element represents an ordered list, and the lang attribute represents the language of the content. HTML 5.1 Semantics, structure, and APIs of HTML documents HTML’s baked-in semantics means that developers can architect their code to signify structure, create relationships between elements, and label content so people can understand what they’re interacting with. Structuring and labelling information to make it available, usable, and understandable to people is what an information architect does. It’s also what a front-end developer does, whether they realise it or not. A brief introduction to information architecture We’re going to start by looking at what an information architect is. There are many definitions, and I’m going to quote Richard Saul Wurman, who is widely regarded as the father of information architecture. In 1976 he said an information architect is: the individual who organizes the patterns inherent in data, making the complex clear; a person who creates the structure or map of information which allows others to find their personal paths to knowledge; the emerging 21st century professional occupation addressing the needs of the age focused upon clarity, human understanding, and the science of the organization of information. Of Patterns And Structures To me, this clearly defines any developer who creates code that a browser, or other user agent (for example, a screen reader), uses to create a structured, navigable place for people. Just as there are many definitions of what an information architect is, there are for information architecture itself. I’m going to use the definition from the fourth edition of Information Architecture For The World Wide Web, in which the authors define it as: The structural design of shared information environments. The synthesis of organization, labeling, search, and navigation systems within digital, physical, and cross-channel ecosystems. The art and science of shaping information products and experiences to support usability, findability, and understanding. Information Architecture For The World Wide Web, 4th Edition To me, this describes front-end development. Done properly, there is an art to creating robust, accessible, usable, and findable spaces that delight all our users. For example, at 2015’s State Of The Browser conference, Edd Sowden talked about the accessibility of s. He discovered that by simply not using the semantically-correct
    element to mark up headings, in some situations browsers will decide that a
    is being used for layout and essentially make it invisible to assistive technology. Another example of how coding practices can affect the usability and findability of content is shown by Léonie Watson in her How ARIA landmark roles help screen reader users video. By using ARIA landmark roles, people who use screen readers are quickly able to identify and jump to common parts of a web page. Our definitions of information architects and information architecture mention patterns, rules, organisation, labelling, structure, and relationships. There are numerous different models for how these elements get boiled down to their fundamentals. In his Understanding Context book, Andrew Hinton calls them Labels, Relationships, and Rules; Jorge Arango calls them Links, Nodes, And Order; and Dan Klyn uses Ontology, Taxonomy, and Choreography, which is the one we’re going to use. Dan defines these terms as: Ontology The definition and articulation of the rules and patterns that govern the meaning of what we intend to communicate. What we mean when we say what we say. Taxonomy The arrangements of the parts. Developing systems and structures for what everything’s called, where everything’s sorted, and the relationships between labels and categories Choreography Rules for interaction among the parts. The structures it creates foster specific types of movement and interaction; anticipating the way users and information want to flow and making affordance for change over time. We now have definitions of an information architect, information architecture, and a model of the elements of information architecture. But is writing HTML really creating information or is it just wrangling data and metadata? When does data turn into information? In his book Managing For The Future Peter Drucker states: … data is not information. Information is data endowed with relevance and purpose. Managing For The Future If we use the correct semantic element to mark up content then we’re developing with purpose and creating relevance. For example, if we follow the advice of the HTML 5.1 specification and mark up headings using heading rank instead of the outline algorithm, we’re creating a structure where the depth of one heading is relevant to the previous one. Architected correctly, an

    element should be relevant to its parent, which should be the

    . By following the HTML specification we can create a structured, searchable, labeled document that will hopefully be relevant to what our users need to be successful. If you’ve never used a screen reader, you might be wondering how the headings on a page are searchable. Screen readers give users the ability to interact with headings in a couple of ways: by creating a list of headings so users can quickly scan the page for information by using a keyboard command to cycle through one heading at a time If we had a document for Christmas Day TV we might structure it something like this:

    Christmas Day TV schedule










    Channel 4



    If I use VoiceOver to generate a list of headings, I get this: Once I have that list I can use keyboard commands to filter the list based on the heading level. For example, I can press 2 to hear just the

    s: If we hadn’t used headings, of if we’d nested them incorrectly, our users would be frustrated. Putting this together Let’s put this together with an example of a button that, when pressed, toggles the appearance of a panel of links. There are numerous ways we could create a button on a web page, but the best way is to just use a There’s quite a bit going on here. We’re using the: aria-controls attribute to architect a connection between the