rowid,title,contents,year,author,author_slug,published,url,topic 246,Designing Your Site Like It’s 1998,"It’s 20 years to the day since my wife and I started Stuff & Nonsense, our little studio and my outlet for creative ideas on the web. To celebrate this anniversary—and my fourteenth contribution to 24 ways— I’d like to explain how I would’ve developed a design for Planes, Trains and Automobiles, one of my favourite Christmas films. My design for Planes, Trains and Automobiles is fixed at 800px wide. Developing a framework I’ll start by using frames to set up the framework for this new website. Frames are individual pages—one for navigation, the other for my content—pulled together to form a frameset. Space is limited on lower-resolution screens, so by using frames I can ensure my navigation always remains visible. I can include any number of frames inside a element. I add two rows to my ; the first is for my navigation and is 50px tall, the second is for my content and will resize to fill any available space. As I don’t want frame borders or any space between my frames, I set frameborder and framespacing attributes to 0: […] Next I add the source of my two frame documents. I don’t want people to be able to resize or scroll my navigation, so I add the noresize attribute to that frame: I do want links from my navigation to open in the content frame, so I give each a name so I can specify where I want links to open: The framework for this website is simple as it contains only two horizontal rows. Should I need a more complex layout, I can nest as many framesets—and as many individual documents—as I need: Letterbox framesets were common way to deal with multiple screen sizes. In a letterbox, the central frameset had a fixed height and width, while the frames on the top, right, bottom, and left expanded to fill any remaining space. Handling older browsers Sadly not every browser supports frames, so I should send a helpful message to people who use older browsers asking them to upgrade. Happily, I can do that using noframes content: <body> <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn’t support them. Please upgrade your browser.</p> </body> Forcing someone back into a frame Sometimes, someone may follow a link to a page from a portal or search engine, or they might attempt to open it in a new window or tab. If that page properly belongs inside a , people could easily miss out on other parts of a design. This short script will prevent this happening and because it’s vanilla Javascript, it doesn’t require a library such as jQuery: Laying out my page Before starting my layout, I add a few basic background and colour styles. I must include these attributes in every page on my website: I want absolute control over how people experience my design and don’t want to allow it to stretch, so I first need a which limits the width of my layout to 800px. The align attribute will keep this
in the centre of someone’s screen:
Although they were developed for displaying tabular information, the cells and rows which make up the element make it ideal for the precise implementation of a design. I need several tables—often nested inside each other—to implement my design. These include tables for a banner and three rows of content:
The width of the first table—used for my banner—is fixed to match the logo it contains. As I don’t need borders, padding, or spacing between these cells, I use attributes to remove them:
The next table—which contains the largest image, introduction, and a call-to-action—is one of the most complex parts of my design, so I need to ensure its layout is pixel perfect. To do that I add an extra row at the top of this table and fill each of its cells with tiny transparent images: The height and width of these “shims” or “spacers” is only 1px but they will stretch to any size without increasing their weight on the page. This makes them perfect for performant website development. For the hero of this design, I splice up the large image into three separate files and apply each slice as a background to the table cells. I also match the height of those cells to the background images:   […]   I use tables and spacer images throughout the rest of this design to lay out the various types of content with perfect precision. For example, to add a single-pixel border around my two columns of content, I first apply a blue background to an outer table along with 1px of cellspacing, then simply nest an inner table—this time with a white background—inside it:
Adding details Tables are fabulous tools for laying out a page, but they’re also useful for implementing details on those pages. I can use a table to add a gradient background, rounded corners, and a shadow to the button which forms my “Buy the DVD” call-to-action. First, I splice my button graphic into three slices; two fixed-width rounded ends, plus a narrow gradient which stretches and makes this button responsive. Then, I add those images as backgrounds and use spacers to perfectly size my button:
Buy the DVD
I use those same elements to add details to headlines and lists too. Adding a “bullet” to each item in a list needs only two additional table cells, a circular graphic, and a spacer:
    Directed by John Hughes
Implementing a typographic hierarchy So far I’ve explained how to use frames, tables, and spacers to develop a layout for my content, but what about styling that content? I use elements to change the typeface from the browser’s default to any font installed on someone’s device: Planes, Trains and Automobiles is a comedy film […] To adjust the size of those fonts, I use the size attribute and a value between the smallest (1) and the largest (7) where 3 is the browser’s default. I use a size of 4 for this headline and 2 for the text which follows: Steve Martin An American actor, comedian, writer, producer, and musician. When I need to change the typeface, perhaps from a sans-serif like Arial to a serif like Times New Roman, I must change the value of the face attribute on every element on all pages on my website. NB: I use as many
elements as needed to create space between headlines and paragraphs. View the final result (and especially the source.) My modern day design for Planes, Trains and Automobiles. I can imagine many people reading this and thinking “This is terrible advice because we don’t develop websites like this in 2018.” That’s true. We have the ability to embed any number of web fonts into our products and websites and have far more control over type features, leading, ligatures, and sizes: font-variant-caps: titling-caps; font-variant-ligatures: common-ligatures; font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums; Grid has simplified the implementation of even the most complex compound grid down to just a few lines of CSS: body { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 3fr 1fr 2fr 2fr 1fr 3fr; grid-template-rows: auto; grid-column-gap: 2vw; grid-row-gap: 1vh; } Flexbox has made it easy to develop flexible components such as navigation links: nav ul { display: flex; } nav li { flex: 1; } Just one line of CSS can create multiple columns of fluid type: main { column-width: 12em; } CSS Shapes enable text to flow around irregular shapes including polygons: [src*=""main-img""] { float: left; shape-outside: polygon(…); } Today, we wouldn’t dream of using images and a table to add a gradient, rounded corners, and a shadow to a button or link, preferring instead: .btn { background: linear-gradient(#8B1212, #DD3A3C); border-radius: 1em; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.50), inset 0 -1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.50); } CSS Custom Properties, feature and media queries, filters, pseudo-elements, and SVG; the list of advances in HTML, CSS, and other technologies goes on. So does our understanding of how best to use them by separating content, structure, presentation, and behaviour. As 2018 draws to a close, we’re certain we know how to design and develop products and websites better than we did at the end of 1998. Strange as it might seem looking back, in 1998 we were also certain our techniques and technologies were the best for the job. That’s why it’s dangerous to believe with absolute certainty that the frameworks and tools we increasingly rely on today—tools like Bootstrap, Bower, and Brunch, Grunt, Gulp, Node, Require, React, and Sass—will be any more relevant in the future than elements, frames, layout tables, and spacer images are today. I have no prediction for what the web will be like twenty years from now. However, I want to believe we’ll build on what we’ve learned during these past two decades about the importance of accessibility, flexibility, and usability, and that the mistakes we made while infatuated by technologies won’t be repeated. Head over to my website if you’d like to read about how I’d implement my design for ‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’ today.",2018,Andy Clarke,andyclarke,2018-12-23T00:00:00+00:00,,code 249,Fast Autocomplete Search for Your Website,"Every website deserves a great search engine - but building a search engine can be a lot of work, and hosting it can quickly get expensive. I’m going to build a search engine for 24 ways that’s fast enough to support autocomplete (a.k.a. typeahead) search queries and can be hosted for free. I’ll be using wget, Python, SQLite, Jupyter, sqlite-utils and my open source Datasette tool to build the API backend, and a few dozen lines of modern vanilla JavaScript to build the interface. Try it out here, then read on to see how I built it. First step: crawling the data The first step in building a search engine is to grab a copy of the data that you plan to make searchable. There are plenty of potential ways to do this: you might be able to pull it directly from a database, or extract it using an API. If you don’t have access to the raw data, you can imitate Google and write a crawler to extract the data that you need. I’m going to do exactly that against 24 ways: I’ll build a simple crawler using wget, a command-line tool that features a powerful “recursive” mode that’s ideal for scraping websites. We’ll start at the page, which links to an archived index for every year that 24 ways has been running. Then we’ll tell wget to recursively crawl the website, using the --recursive flag. We don’t want to fetch every single page on the site - we’re only interested in the actual articles. Luckily, 24 ways has nicely designed URLs, so we can tell wget that we only care about pages that start with one of the years it has been running, using the -I argument like this: -I /2005,/2006,/2007,/2008,/2009,/2010,/2011,/2012,/2013,/2014,/2015,/2016,/2017 We want to be polite, so let’s wait for 2 seconds between each request rather than hammering the site as fast as we can: --wait 2 The first time I ran this, I accidentally downloaded the comments pages as well. We don’t want those, so let’s exclude them from the crawl using -X ""/*/*/comments"". Finally, it’s useful to be able to run the command multiple times without downloading pages that we have already fetched. We can use the --no-clobber option for this. Tie all of those options together and we get this command: wget --recursive --wait 2 --no-clobber -I /2005,/2006,/2007,/2008,/2009,/2010,/2011,/2012,/2013,/2014,/2015,/2016,/2017 -X ""/*/*/comments"" If you leave this running for a few minutes, you’ll end up with a folder structure something like this: $ find ... As a quick sanity check, let’s count the number of HTML pages we have retrieved: $ find | grep index.html | wc -l 328 There’s one last step! We got everything up to 2017, but we need to fetch the articles for 2018 (so far) as well. They aren’t linked in the /archives/ yet so we need to point our crawler at the site’s front page instead: wget --recursive --wait 2 --no-clobber -I /2018 -X ""/*/*/comments"" Thanks to --no-clobber, this is safe to run every day in December to pick up any new content. We now have a folder on our computer containing an HTML file for every article that has ever been published on the site! Let’s use them to build ourselves a search index. Building a search index using SQLite There are many tools out there that can be used to build a search engine. You can use an open-source search server like Elasticsearch or Solr, a hosted option like Algolia or Amazon CloudSearch or you can tap into the built-in search features of relational databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL. I’m going to use something that’s less commonly used for web applications but makes for a powerful and extremely inexpensive alternative: SQLite. SQLite is the world’s most widely deployed database, even though many people have never even heard of it. That’s because it’s designed to be used as an embedded database: it’s commonly used by native mobile applications and even runs as part of the default set of apps on the Apple Watch! SQLite has one major limitation: unlike databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, it isn’t really designed to handle large numbers of concurrent writes. For this reason, most people avoid it for building web applications. This doesn’t matter nearly so much if you are building a search engine for infrequently updated content - say one for a site that only publishes new content on 24 days every year. It turns out SQLite has very powerful full-text search functionality built into the core database - the FTS5 extension. I’ve been doing a lot of work with SQLite recently, and as part of that, I’ve been building a Python utility library to make building new SQLite databases as easy as possible, called sqlite-utils. It’s designed to be used within a Jupyter notebook - an enormously productive way of interacting with Python code that’s similar to the Observable notebooks Natalie described on 24 ways yesterday. If you haven’t used Jupyter before, here’s the fastest way to get up and running with it - assuming you have Python 3 installed on your machine. We can use a Python virtual environment to ensure the software we are installing doesn’t clash with any other installed packages: $ python3 -m venv ./jupyter-venv $ ./jupyter-venv/bin/pip install jupyter # ... lots of installer output # Now lets install some extra packages we will need later $ ./jupyter-venv/bin/pip install beautifulsoup4 sqlite-utils html5lib # And start the notebook web application $ ./jupyter-venv/bin/jupyter-notebook # This will open your browser to Jupyter at http://localhost:8888/ You should now be in the Jupyter web application. Click New -> Python 3 to start a new notebook. A neat thing about Jupyter notebooks is that if you publish them to GitHub (either in a regular repository or as a Gist), it will render them as HTML. This makes them a very powerful way to share annotated code. I’ve published the notebook I used to build the search index on my GitHub account. ​ Here’s the Python code I used to scrape the relevant data from the downloaded HTML files. Check out the notebook for a line-by-line explanation of what’s going on. from pathlib import Path from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup base = Path(""/Users/simonw/Dropbox/Development/24ways-search"") articles = list(base.glob(""*/*/*/*.html"")) # articles is now a list of paths that look like this: # PosixPath('...24ways-search/') docs = [] for path in articles: year = str(path.relative_to(base)).split(""/"")[1] url = 'https://' + str(path.relative_to(base).parent) + '/' soup = Soup(, ""html5lib"") author = soup.select_one("".c-continue"")[""title""].split( ""More information about"" )[1].strip() author_slug = soup.select_one("".c-continue"")[""href""].split( ""/authors/"" )[1].split(""/"")[0] published = soup.select_one("".c-meta time"")[""datetime""] contents = soup.select_one("".e-content"").text.strip() title = soup.find(""title"").text.split("" ◆"")[0] try: topic = soup.select_one( '.c-meta a[href^=""/topics/""]' )[""href""].split(""/topics/"")[1].split(""/"")[0] except TypeError: topic = None docs.append({ ""title"": title, ""contents"": contents, ""year"": year, ""author"": author, ""author_slug"": author_slug, ""published"": published, ""url"": url, ""topic"": topic, }) After running this code, I have a list of Python dictionaries representing each of the documents that I want to add to the index. The list looks something like this: [ { ""title"": ""Why Bother with Accessibility?"", ""contents"": ""Web accessibility (known in other fields as inclus..."", ""year"": ""2013"", ""author"": ""Laura Kalbag"", ""author_slug"": ""laurakalbag"", ""published"": ""2013-12-10T00:00:00+00:00"", ""url"": """", ""topic"": ""design"" }, { ""title"": ""Levelling Up"", ""contents"": ""Hello, 24 ways. Iu2019m Ashley and I sell property ins..."", ""year"": ""2013"", ""author"": ""Ashley Baxter"", ""author_slug"": ""ashleybaxter"", ""published"": ""2013-12-06T00:00:00+00:00"", ""url"": """", ""topic"": ""business"" }, ... My sqlite-utils library has the ability to take a list of objects like this and automatically create a SQLite database table with the right schema to store the data. Here’s how to do that using this list of dictionaries. import sqlite_utils db = sqlite_utils.Database(""/tmp/24ways.db"") db[""articles""].insert_all(docs) That’s all there is to it! The library will create a new database and add a table to it called articles with the necessary columns, then insert all of the documents into that table. (I put the database in /tmp/ for the moment - you can move it to a more sensible location later on.) You can inspect the table using the sqlite3 command-line utility (which comes with OS X) like this: $ sqlite3 /tmp/24ways.db sqlite> .headers on sqlite> .mode column sqlite> select title, author, year from articles; title author year ------------------------------ ------------ ---------- Why Bother with Accessibility? Laura Kalbag 2013 Levelling Up Ashley Baxte 2013 Project Hubs: A Home Base for Brad Frost 2013 Credits and Recognition Geri Coady 2013 Managing a Mind Christopher 2013 Run Ragged Mark Boulton 2013 Get Started With GitHub Pages Anna Debenha 2013 Coding Towards Accessibility Charlie Perr 2013 ... There’s one last step to take in our notebook. We know we want to use SQLite’s full-text search feature, and sqlite-utils has a simple convenience method for enabling it for a specified set of columns in a table. We want to be able to search by the title, author and contents fields, so we call the enable_fts() method like this: db[""articles""].enable_fts([""title"", ""author"", ""contents""]) Introducing Datasette Datasette is the open-source tool I’ve been building that makes it easy to both explore SQLite databases and publish them to the internet. We’ve been exploring our new SQLite database using the sqlite3 command-line tool. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could use a more human-friendly interface for that? If you don’t want to install Datasette right now, you can visit to try it out against the 24 ways search index data. I’ll show you how to deploy Datasette to Heroku like this later in the article. If you want to install Datasette locally, you can reuse the virtual environment we created to play with Jupyter: ./jupyter-venv/bin/pip install datasette This will install Datasette in the ./jupyter-venv/bin/ folder. You can also install it system-wide using regular pip install datasette. Now you can run Datasette against the 24ways.db file we created earlier like so: ./jupyter-venv/bin/datasette /tmp/24ways.db This will start a local webserver running. Visit http://localhost:8001/ to start interacting with the Datasette web application. If you want to try out Datasette without creating your own 24ways.db file you can download the one I created directly from Publishing the database to the internet One of the goals of the Datasette project is to make deploying data-backed APIs to the internet as easy as possible. Datasette has a built-in command for this, datasette publish. If you have an account with Heroku or Zeit Now, you can deploy a database to the internet with a single command. Here’s how I deployed (running on Heroku’s free tier) using datasette publish: $ ./jupyter-venv/bin/datasette publish heroku /tmp/24ways.db --name search-24ways -----> Python app detected -----> Installing requirements with pip -----> Running post-compile hook -----> Discovering process types Procfile declares types -> web -----> Compressing... Done: 47.1M -----> Launching... Released v8 deployed to Heroku If you try this out, you’ll need to pick a different --name, since I’ve already taken search-24ways. You can run this command as many times as you like to deploy updated versions of the underlying database. Searching and faceting Datasette can detect tables with SQLite full-text search configured, and will add a search box directly to the page. Take a look at to see this in action. ​ SQLite search supports wildcards, so if you want autocomplete-style search where you don’t need to enter full words to start getting results you can add a * to the end of your search term. Here’s a search for access* which returns articles on accessibility: A neat feature of Datasette is the ability to calculate facets against your data. Here’s a page showing search results for svg with facet counts calculated against both the year and the topic columns: Every page visible via Datasette has a corresponding JSON API, which can be accessed using the JSON link on the page - or by adding a .json extension to the URL: Better search using custom SQL The search results we get back from ../articles?_search=svg are OK, but the order they are returned in is not ideal - they’re actually being returned in the order they were inserted into the database! You can see why this is happening by clicking the View and edit SQL link on that search results page. This exposes the underlying SQL query, which looks like this: select rowid, * from articles where rowid in ( select rowid from articles_fts where articles_fts match :search ) order by rowid limit 101 We can do better than this by constructing a custom SQL query. Here’s the query we will use instead: select snippet(articles_fts, -1, 'b4de2a49c8', '8c94a2ed4b', '...', 100) as snippet, articles_fts.rank, articles.title, articles.url,, articles.year from articles join articles_fts on articles.rowid = articles_fts.rowid where articles_fts match :search || ""*"" order by rank limit 10; You can try this query out directly - since Datasette opens the underling SQLite database in read-only mode and enforces a one second time limit on queries, it’s safe to allow users to provide arbitrary SQL select queries for Datasette to execute. There’s a lot going on here! Let’s break the SQL down line-by-line: select snippet(articles_fts, -1, 'b4de2a49c8', '8c94a2ed4b', '...', 100) as snippet, We’re using snippet(), a built-in SQLite function, to generate a snippet highlighting the words that matched the query. We use two unique strings that I made up to mark the beginning and end of each match - you’ll see why in the JavaScript later on. articles_fts.rank, articles.title, articles.url,, articles.year These are the other fields we need back - most of them are from the articles table but we retrieve the rank (representing the strength of the search match) from the magical articles_fts table. from articles join articles_fts on articles.rowid = articles_fts.rowid articles is the table containing our data. articles_fts is a magic SQLite virtual table which implements full-text search - we need to join against it to be able to query it. where articles_fts match :search || ""*"" order by rank limit 10; :search || ""*"" takes the ?search= argument from the page querystring and adds a * to the end of it, giving us the wildcard search that we want for autocomplete. We then match that against the articles_fts table using the match operator. Finally, we order by rank so that the best matching results are returned at the top - and limit to the first 10 results. How do we turn this into an API? As before, the secret is to add the .json extension. Datasette actually supports multiple shapes of JSON - we’re going to use ?_shape=array to get back a plain array of objects: JSON API call to search for articles matching SVG The HTML version of that page shows the time taken to execute the SQL in the footer. Hitting refresh a few times, I get response times between 2 and 5ms - easily fast enough to power a responsive autocomplete feature. A simple JavaScript autocomplete search interface I considered building this using React or Svelte or another of the myriad of JavaScript framework options available today, but then I remembered that vanilla JavaScript in 2018 is a very productive environment all on its own. We need a few small utility functions: first, a classic debounce function adapted from this one by David Walsh: function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { let timeout; return function() { let context = this, args = arguments; let later = () => { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; let callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; }; We’ll use this to only send fetch() requests a maximum of once every 100ms while the user is typing. Since we’re rendering data that might include HTML tags (24 ways is a site about web development after all), we need an HTML escaping function. I’m amazed that browsers still don’t bundle a default one of these: const htmlEscape = (s) => s.replace( />/g, '>' ).replace( /Autocomplete search

And now the autocomplete implementation itself, as a glorious, messy stream-of-consciousness of JavaScript: // Embed the SQL query in a multi-line backtick string: const sql = `select snippet(articles_fts, -1, 'b4de2a49c8', '8c94a2ed4b', '...', 100) as snippet, articles_fts.rank, articles.title, articles.url,, articles.year from articles join articles_fts on articles.rowid = articles_fts.rowid where articles_fts match :search || ""*"" order by rank limit 10`; // Grab a reference to the const searchbox = document.getElementById(""searchbox""); // Used to avoid race-conditions: let requestInFlight = null; searchbox.onkeyup = debounce(() => { const q = searchbox.value; // Construct the API URL, using encodeURIComponent() for the parameters const url = ( """" + encodeURIComponent(sql) + `&search=${encodeURIComponent(q)}&_shape=array` ); // Unique object used just for race-condition comparison let currentRequest = {}; requestInFlight = currentRequest; fetch(url).then(r => r.json()).then(d => { if (requestInFlight !== currentRequest) { // Avoid race conditions where a slow request returns // after a faster one. return; } let results = => `


${htmlEscape(} - ${r.year}


`).join(""""); document.getElementById(""results"").innerHTML = results; }); }, 100); // debounce every 100ms There’s just one more utility function, used to help construct the HTML results: const highlight = (s) => htmlEscape(s).replace( /b4de2a49c8/g, '' ).replace( /8c94a2ed4b/g, '' ); This is what those unique strings passed to the snippet() function were for. Avoiding race conditions in autocomplete One trick in this code that you may not have seen before is the way race-conditions are handled. Any time you build an autocomplete feature, you have to consider the following case: User types acces Browser sends request A - querying documents matching acces* User continues to type accessibility Browser sends request B - querying documents matching accessibility* Request B returns. It was fast, because there are fewer documents matching the full term The results interface updates with the documents from request B, matching accessibility* Request A returns results (this was the slower of the two requests) The results interface updates with the documents from request A - results matching access* This is a terrible user experience: the user saw their desired results for a brief second, and then had them snatched away and replaced with those results from earlier on. Thankfully there’s an easy way to avoid this. I set up a variable in the outer scope called requestInFlight, initially set to null. Any time I start a new fetch() request, I create a new currentRequest = {} object and assign it to the outer requestInFlight as well. When the fetch() completes, I use requestInFlight !== currentRequest to sanity check that the currentRequest object is strictly identical to the one that was in flight. If a new request has been triggered since we started the current request we can detect that and avoid updating the results. It’s not a lot of code, really And that’s the whole thing! The code is pretty ugly, but when the entire implementation clocks in at fewer than 70 lines of JavaScript, I honestly don’t think it matters. You’re welcome to refactor it as much you like. How good is this search implementation? I’ve been building search engines for a long time using a wide variety of technologies and I’m happy to report that using SQLite in this way is genuinely a really solid option. It scales happily up to hundreds of MBs (or even GBs) of data, and the fact that it’s based on SQL makes it easy and flexible to work with. A surprisingly large number of desktop and mobile applications you use every day implement their search feature on top of SQLite. More importantly though, I hope that this demonstrates that using Datasette for an API means you can build relatively sophisticated API-backed applications with very little backend programming effort. If you’re working with a small-to-medium amount of data that changes infrequently, you may not need a more expensive database. Datasette-powered applications easily fit within the free tier of both Heroku and Zeit Now. For more of my writing on Datasette, check out the datasette tag on my blog. And if you do build something fun with it, please let me know on Twitter.",2018,Simon Willison,simonwillison,2018-12-19T00:00:00+00:00,,code 205,Why Design Systems Fail,"Design systems are so hot right now, and for good reason. They promote a modular approach to building a product, and ensure organizational unity and stability via reusable code snippets and utility styles. They make prototyping a breeze, and provide a common language for both designers and developers. A design system is a culmination of several individual components, which can include any or all of the following (and more): Style guide or visual pattern library Design tooling (e.g. Sketch Library) Component library (where the components live in code) Code usage guidelines and documentation Design usage documentation Voice and tone guideline Animation language guideline Design systems are standalone (internal or external) products, and have proven to be very effective means of design-driven development. However, in order for a design system to succeed, everyone needs to get on board. I’d like to go over a few considerations to ensure design system success and what could hinder that success. Organizational Support Put simply, any product, including internal products, needs support. Something as cross-functional as a design system, which spans every vertical project team, needs support from the top and bottom levels of your organization. What I mean by that is that there needs to be top-level support from project managers up through VP’s to see the value of a design system, to provide resources for its implementation, and advocate for its use company-wide. This is especially important in companies where such systems are being put in place on top of existing, crufty codebases, because it may mean there needs to be some time and effort put in the calendar for refactoring work. Support from the bottom-up means that designers and engineers of all levels also need to support this system and feel responsibility for it. A design system is an organization’s product, and everyone should feel confident contributing to it. If your design system supports external clients as well (such as contractors), they too can become valuable teammates. A design system needs support and love to be nurtured and to grow. It also needs investment. Investment To have a successful design system, you need to make a continuous effort to invest resources into it. I like to compare this to working out. You can work out intensely for 3 months and see some gains, but once you stop working out, those will slowly fade away. If you continue to work out, even if its less often than the initial investment, you’ll see yourself maintaining your fitness level at a much higher rate than if you stopped completely. If you invest once in a design system (say, 3 months of overhauling it) but neglect to keep it up, you’ll face the same situation. You’ll see immediate impact, but that impact will fade as it gets out of sync with new designs and you’ll end up with strange, floating bits of code that nobody is using. Your engineers will stop using it as the patterns become outdated, and then you’ll find yourself in for another round of large investment (while dreading going through the process since its fallen so far out of shape). With design systems, small incremental investments over time lead to big gains overall. With this point, I also want to note that because of how they scale, design systems can really make a large impact across the platform, making it extremely important to really invest in things like accessibility and solid architecture from the start. You don’t want to scale a brittle system that’s not easy to use. Take care of your design systems, and keep working on them to ensure their effectiveness. One way to ensure this is to have a dedicated team working on this design system, managing tickets and styling updates that trickle out to the rest of your company. Responsibility With some kind of team to act as an owner of a design system, whether it be the design team, engineering team, or a new team made of both designers and engineers (the best option), your company is more likely to keep a relevant, up-to-date system that doesn’t break. This team is responsible for a few things: Helping others get set up on the system (support) Designing and building components (development) Advocating for overall UI consistency and adherence (evangelism) Creating a rollout plan and update system (product management) As you can see, these are a lot of roles, so it helps to have multiple people on this team, at least part of the time, if you can. One thing I’ve found to be effective in the past is to hold office hours for coworkers to book slots within to help them get set up and to answer any questions about using the system. Having an open Slack channel also helps for this sort of thing, as well as for bringing up bugs/issues/ideas and being an channel for announcements like new releases. Communication Once you have resources and a plan to invest in a design system, its really important that this person or team acts as a bridge between design and engineering. Continuous communication is really important here, and the way you communicate is even more important. Remember that nobody wants to be told what to do or prescribed a solution, especially developers, who are used to a lot of autonomy (usually they get to choose their own tools at work). Despite how much control the other engineers have on the process, they need to feel like they have input, and feel heard. This can be challenging, especially since ultimately, some party needs to be making a final decision on direction and execution. Because it’s a hard balance to strike, having open communication channels and being as transparent as possible as early as possible is a good start. Buy-in For all of the reasons we’ve just looked over, good communication is really important for getting buy-in from your users (the engineers and designers), as well as from product management. Building and maintaining a design system is surprisingly a lot of people-ops work. To get buy-in where you don’t have a previous concensus that this is the right direction to take, you need to make people want to use your design system. A really good way to get someone to want to use a product is to make it the path of least resistance, to show its value. Gather examples and usage wins, because showing is much more powerful than telling. If you can, have developers use your product in a low-stakes situation where it provides clear benefits. Hackathons are a great place to debut your design system. Having a hackathon internally at DigitalOcean was a perfect opportunity to: Evangelize for the design system See what people were using the component library for and what they were struggling with (excellent user testing there) Get user feedback afterward on how to improve it in future iterations Let people experience the benefits of using it themselves These kinds of moments, where people explore on their own are where you can really get people on your side and using the design system, because they can get their hands on it and draw their own conclusions (and if they don’t love it — listen to them on how to improve it so that they do). We don’t always get so lucky as to have this sort of instantaneous user feedback from our direct users. Architecture I briefly mentioned the scalable nature of design systems. This is exactly why it’s important to develop a solid architecture early on in the process. Build your design system with growth and scalability in mind. What happens if your company acquires a new product? What happens when it develops a new market segment? How can you make sure there’s room for customization and growth? A few things we’ve found helpful include: Namespacing Use namespacing to ensure that the system doesn’t collide with existing styles if applying it to an existing codebase. This means prefixing every element in the system to indicate that this class is a part of the design system. To ensure that you don’t break parts of the existing build (which may have styled base elements), you can namespace the entire system inside of a parent class. Sass makes this easy with its nested structure. This kind of namespacing wouldn’t be necessary per se on new projects, but it is definitely useful when integrating new and old styles. Semantic Versioning I’ve used Semantic Versioning on all of the design systems I’ve ever worked on. Semantic versioning uses a system of Major.Minor.Patch for any updates. You can then tag released on Github with versioned updates and ensure that someone’s app won’t break unintentionally when there is an update, if they are anchored to a specific version (which they should be). We also use this semantic versioning as a link with our design system assets at DigitalOcean (i.e. Sketch library) to keep them in sync, with the same version number corresponding to both Sketch and code. Our design system is served as a node module, but is also provided as a series of built assets using our CDN for quick prototyping and one-off projects. For these built assets, we run a deploy script that automatically creates folders for each release, as well as a latest folder if someone wanted the always-up-to-date version of the design system. So, semantic versioning for the system I’m currently building is what links our design system node module assets, sketch library assets, and statically built file assets. The reason we have so many ways of consuming our design system is to make adoption easier and to reduce friction. Friction A while ago, I posed the question of why design systems become outdated and unused, and a major conclusion I drew from the conversation was: “If it’s harder for people to use than their current system, people just won’t use it” You have to make your design system the path of least resistance, lowering cognitive overhead of development, not adding to it. This is vital. A design system is intended to make development much more efficient, enforce a consistent style across sites, and allow for the developer to not worry as much about small decisions like naming and HTML semantics. These are already sorted out for them, meaning they can focus on building product. But if your design system is complicated and over-engineered, they may find it frustrating to use and go back to what they know, even if its not the best solution. If you’re a Sass expert, and base your system on complex mixins and functions, you better hope your user (the developer) is also a Sass expert, or wants to learn. This is often not the case, however. You need to talk to your audience. With the DigitalOcean design system, we provide a few options: Option 1 Users can implement the component library into a development environment and use Sass, select just the components they want to include, and extend the system using a hook-based system. This is the most performant and extensible output. Only the components that are called upon are included, and they can be easily extended using mixins. But as noted earlier, not everyone wants to work this way (including Sass a dependency and potentially needing to set up a build system for it and learn a new syntax). There is also the user who just wants to throw a link onto their page and have it look nice, and thats where our versioned built assets come in. Option 2 With Option 2, users pull in links that are served via a CDN that contain JS, CSS, and our SVG icon library. The code is a bit bigger than the completely customized version, but often this isn’t the aim when people are using Option 2. Reducing friction for adoption should be a major goal of your design system rollout. Conclusion Having a design system is really beneficial to any product, especially as it grows. In order to have an effective system, it’s important to primarily always keep your user in mind and garner support from your entire company. Once you have support and acceptance, this system will flourish and grow. Make sure someone is responsible for it, and make sure its built with a solid foundation from the start which will be carefully maintained toward the future. Good luck, and happy holidays!",2017,Una Kravets,unakravets,2017-12-14T00:00:00+00:00,,process 209,Feeding the Audio Graph,"In 2004, I was given an iPod. I count this as one of the most intuitive pieces of technology I’ve ever owned. It wasn’t because of the the snazzy (colour!) menus or circular touchpad. I loved how smoothly it fitted into my life. I could plug in my headphones and listen to music while I was walking around town. Then when I got home, I could plug it into an amplifier and carry on listening there. There was no faff. It didn’t matter if I could find my favourite mix tape, or if my WiFi was flakey - it was all just there. Nowadays, when I’m trying to pair my phone with some Bluetooth speakers, or can’t find my USB-to-headphone jack, or even access any music because I don’t have cellular reception; I really miss this simplicity. The Web Audio API I think the Web Audio API feels kind of like my iPod did. It’s different from most browser APIs - rather than throwing around data, or updating DOM elements - you plug together a graph of audio nodes, which the browser uses to generate, process, and play sounds. The thing I like about it is that you can totally plug it into whatever you want, and it’ll mostly just work. So, let’s get started. First of all we want an audio source.